
  • typedef



The configuration options for a project to retrieve and document.



  1. source {String}

    The source location of the project.

  2. version {String}Optional

    The version name of the project.

  3. path {String}Optional

    The location of where the project should be installed. The default

  4. simulatedPath {String}Optional

    Where the project appears to be installed if it is not being copied to that location. This is typically set autmatically when a command line overwrite is provided.

  5. skipGet=false {Boolean}Optional

    The project's resource will not be retrieved. The documentation will produced from simulatedPath. This is typically set autmatically when a command line overwrite is provided.

  6. npmInstall=false {Boolean}Optional

    Use npm to install the resource.

  7. docConfig {docConfig}Optional

    The full docConfig of this project. If provided, documentjs.json will not be read.

  8. watch=false {Boolean}Optional

    If true, setup a watch and regenerate.