
  • constructor

Declares the export value for a module.

@module {TYPE} NAME [TITLE]

 * @module {{}} lib/componentProps props
 * @option {String} name The name of the component.
 * @option {String} title The title of the component.



    A type expression. This is typically an object specified like: {{}} or a function like {function}.

  2. NAME {String}

    The name of the type.

  3. TITLE {String}

    The title of the type used for display purposes.


Use @module to specify what a module exports. Depending on what the module exports you might use as one of the following:

A single function export

 * @module {function} multi/util/add
 * @parent multi.modules
 * Adds two numbers together.
 * @signature `add(first, second)`
 * @param {Number} first The first number.
 * @param {Number} second The second number to add.
 * @return {Number} The two numbers added together.
module.exports = function(first, second){
    return first+second;

Multiple export values

 * @module {Module} multi/util/date-helpers
 * @parent multi.modules
 * Provides an object of date helpers.
 * @function tomorrow
 * Provides the start time of tomorrow. 
exports.tomorrow = function(){ };
 * @function yesterday
 * Provides the start time of yesterday. 
exports.yesterday = function(){ };

A single constructor function export

 * @module {function(new:multi/lib/graph)} multi/lib/graph
 * @parent multi.modules
 * @signature `new Graph(graphData)`
 * @param {Object} graphData
function Graph(graphData){ … }
 * @prototype
Graph.prototype = {
     * @function toChart
    toChart: function(){}
module.exports = Graph;