
  • constructor

The default tag behavior when @TAG begins a line, but no tag is defined for TAG.

@TAG NAME[, ...]

Sets a TAG property on the docObject to "NAME".


 * @memberOf _
 findById: function( id, success ) {


Sets a TAG property on the docObject to true.

This will make the docObject look like:

{memberof: "_"}

If NAME values are seperated by comma-space (,), the values will be set as an array. Example:

 * @memberOf _, lodash
 findById: function( id, success ) {

This will make the docObject look like:

{memberof: ["_", "lodash"]}

If multiple @TAG NAMEs are found with the same TAG, an array with each "NAME" will be created. Example:

 * @memberOf _
 * @memberOf lodash
 findById: function( id, success ) {

This will make the docObject look like:

{memberof: ["_", "lodash"]}