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Learn how to contribute to DocumentJS.


To develop DocumentJS, fork and clone DocumentJS. Make sure you have NodeJS installed. Then:

  1. Install npm modules

    > npm install
  2. Run tests:

    > npm test

Code Organization

DocumentJS's functionality and code are broken down into the following folders within documentjs/lib:

  • find - Gets each file that should be processed.

  • process - Converts comments and files into a docObject and puts every docObject in the docMap.

  • tags - Tags used by process to add properties to a docObject.

  • generators/html - Generates an HTML site given a docMap. This process is futher broken down into:

    • generators/html/build - Compile the templates, static resources, and mustache helpers used to generate the site.
    • generators/html/write - Uses the compiled templates, static resources, and helpers to write out the site.
  • generate - Given options, coordinates between find and the html generator to produce a site.

  • configure - Reads documentjs.json and calls out to modules in the previous folders.


To run all tests, run:

> npm test

This runs mocha on test.js like:

> mocha test.js --reporter spec

test.js require's other test files within lib.

Website and Documentation

DocumentJS's gh-pages branch contains's code. It uses DocumentJS to produce the website. The best way to edit the docs is to:

  1. Fork/Clone next to the version of documentjs you want to be documented:

    documentjs> cd ..
    > git clone -b gh-pages
  2. Install NPM dependencies:

    > cd> npm install
  3. Generate the entire site with:> npm run-script documentjs
  4. Update the site with changes in your local documentjs. Change the version number 0.0.0 accordingly:> node node_modules/.bin/documentjs 0.0.0@../documentjs
  5. Edit source in documentjs.

  6. Regenerate site and check changes:> node node_modules/.bin/documentjs 0.0.0@../documentjs
  7. Check in and push changes to documentjs.

  8. Check in and push gh-pages branch changes.