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To generate a Live Style Guide, you only need to configure two things.

  1. What stylesheet files are being documented
  2. Where the Live Style Guide should be generated

Current Configuration

Your project should already have a documentjs.json file. Inside it, you'll probably see something like this:

    "sites": {
        "docs": {
            "glob": "project/**/*.{js,md}"
            "dest": "api"

Your Configuration

Add configuration for your Live Style Guide to the current configuration.

    "sites": {
        "docs": {
            "glob": "project/**/*.{js,md}"
            "dest": "api"
        "styles": {
            "glob": "styles/**/*.{css,less,md}",
            "dest": "styleguide"

Site Name

From documentjs.json:

        "styles" : {

This name is important because you're setting up a second documentation site alongside existing docs.

Source Files

This is how DocumentJS knows where to look for comments and markdown files that it will use to generate the site. glob specifies a pattern for this.

From documentjs.json:

            "glob": "styles/**/*.{css,less,md}",

This string uses a few different patterns to make sure everything important is included:

Context Pattern Meaning
styles/**/ /**/ All folders and subfolders of styles should be included
*.{...} * All filenames are included
*.{...} {css,less,md} Since {} takes a list, this is shorthand to match all of *.css, *.less, *.md

Altogether, styles/**/*.{css,less,md} means "look in all folders and subfolders of styles for any css, less, or markdown file". If you have additional directories or want to use different file types, this can be adapted accordingly like so:

            "glob": "{styles,static/themes/css}/**/*.{css,scss,md}"

Destination Directory

From documentjs.json:

            "dest": "styleguide"

This is just the name of the folder where your site will be generated. Where you want this to be located will depend on the structure of your project.

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